Meeting Notice
The next meeting of the AES Melbourne Section will be on Monday 12th February.
It will be a tour of
The Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre
Hosted by Michael Walker, Infrastructure and Equipment Manager, MCEC.
The Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre is a world class venue, with a range of spaces suited to conferences and exhibitions of all sizes.
Recognised as Australiasia’s Leading Meetings and Conference Centre from 2012 – 2015 by the prestigious World Travel Awards, MCEC connects organizers and attendees with everything needed for a successful event. This includes amazing spaces and leading technology, and staff with the skills and experience to bring it all together. The tour will cover both front and back-of-house areas concentrating on the technology used to keep this facility at the forefront of its field.
Michael co-presented at our October meeting on the DSP upgrades at the MCEC, and now gives us the opportunity to see the facility’s technical infrastructure.
Mon 12th February 2018 at 7:30pm
Melbourne Convention Centre
Convention Centre Place
Bookings are required to ensure we don’t overcrowd the space available.
Preference will be given to AES Members, but please book before Mon 5th Feb.
Non-members are welcome to book, and will be allocated any spare spots after Mon 5th.
Please complete the form below:
Booking Form:
If you wish to attend, please complete and submit the form below:
(if form doesn’t work for you – eg. old/unsupported browser- email us at )