
Welcome –

Welcome to the AES Melbourne Section site.
Here you will find information about the section, useful audio-related articles and links and information about past and forthcoming meetings.

The aim is to provide useful information for students and professional audio practitioners alike.

Join the AES!

We are a local Section of the international (New York-based) Audio Engineering Society. Membership of the AES includes all benefits associated with the local Melbourne Section.
You can find out more and join online at –

If you want to check out our activities, there’s our Facebook page.
  …  and our LinkedIn page for those who hang out there.
…… then there’s Instagram for those more visually minded.

Contact the Section here.

Meeting Notice: February 2025 – Ross Cockle on the The Armstrong Studio & AAV Years

We are back on Zoom for our February meeting

You can book via this link

The next online meeting of the AES Melbourne Section will be held on
Monday 10th February 2025 at 7:30pm AEDT (UTC+11) – via Zoom.

Long-term recording engineer and studio manager Ross Cockle will give us a journey through his early career 1972-1986:

The Armstrong Studio and AAV Years
Albert Road to Bank Street

Ross will take us through his time at Bill Armstrong’s Albert Road South Melbourne location as it expanded from 1972/3 into the multi-studio complex at 180 Bank Street South Melbourne. He rose through the ranks, from dogsbody to dubbing room, and assisting on sessions to eventually recording music of all styles and with some of the biggest bands, composer/arrangers and labels.

Continue reading “Meeting Notice: February 2025 – Ross Cockle on the The Armstrong Studio & AAV Years”

Section’s 50th Anniversary: Our Anniversary Dinner – 9th Dec 2024

This month we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the formation of the AES Melbourne Section with a dinner at Club Ringwood.

Sixteen members and guests attended, with two last-minute dropouts, and several apologies from long-time members. It was a convivial evening with lots of friendly chat and reminiscences, along with some very fine food indeed.

A photo of Chair Graeme Huon standing at the microphone welcoming the members and guests
Chair Graeme Huon welcomes the members and guests

Section Chair, Graeme Huon welcomed everybody, thanking the Committee, our sponsor Amphenol Australia, and Paolo Menolotto for facilitating the sponsorship. He also thanked Secretary Peter Smerdon for all his work in organising the event. In remarking on the formation of the Section in December 1974 he remarked how the original Committee included luminaries of the audio industry at the time such as Wulf Gray (Simon Gray Pty Ltd) Graham Thirkell (Optronics), Brian Horman (Klarion), Roger Savage (Armstrong Studios & Soundfirm), and John Ryan (ABC).

Continue reading “Section’s 50th Anniversary: Our Anniversary Dinner – 9th Dec 2024”

New Content: The Melbourne Section’s History is Documented

The logo of the AES Melbourne Section

To mark the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Melbourne Section of the Audio Engineering Section we have just prepared a history of the Section, its formation, and activities.

It is available on this website, and is made up of three sections:
The broad overview:
The Regional Conventions (1984-1996):
Historical Meeting Notices:

A Celebration of our first 50 years

Join us for our 50th Anniversary Dinner

In December, the AES Melbourne Section will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Section.

We are hosting a 50th Anniversary Dinner at Club Ringwood on Monday 9th December at 7:30pm to mark this momentous occasion.

Tickets are available at
(bookings required – see below for prices)

In December 1974, encouraged by AES International V-P (Stephen Temmer, Gotham Audio NY) a group of Melbourne audio professionals – designers, manufacturers, recording engineers/producers, broadcasters, and equipment dealers, gathered together to form the Melbourne Section of the New York-based Audio Engineering Society.

Members and Officers of the AES Melbourne Section (1974)

The Section became a powerful force in the Melbourne audio industry, with many local pioneers first presenting their breakthrough technologies at the Section’s meetings and Conventions.

Continue reading “A Celebration of our first 50 years”