On Monday 24th April, the Melbourne Section of the AES held our regular bi-monthly meeting.
It was a return to an in-person event at Collarts Wellington St (Collingwood) campus, that was also live-streamed on YouTube.
We welcomed about a dozen members and guests in the Collarts Critical Listening Room and another 7 who watched the live stream to the end.
Audio Engineer and Educator/Musician Scott Stickland presented on the topic of:
Collaborative Online Audio Mixing in the Box:
Presenting a case for the DAW Collaboration Framework
Chairman Graeme Huon introduced Scott with a brief description Scott’s work on the DAW Collaboration Framework (DCF).

Scott started by acknowledging and describing the chronology of earlier online audio collaboration technology, starting with ResRocketSurfer (1996)/Rocket Network (1999), JACK/JACKTrip, Source-Connect, Steinberg’s VST Connect Pro and VST Transit/Transit Join/Transit Go, Splice Studio, and then the push for direct streaming into the DaaAW with products like Soundwhale, Sessionwire, ConnectionOpen and Listento and the growth in web-based DAW collaboration platforms, where he commented that web audio is not at the stage of development where they can be used for professional applications.