
Meeting Report: December 2021 – Loudspeaker Power Ratings – Michail Barabasz

On Monday December 13th the AES Melbourne Section mounted yet another Zoom online meeting.

Over thirty members and guests joined the meeting to hear Michail Barabasz of Lorantz Audio Services present on the topic of Loudspeaker Power Ratings

Title slide

After welcoming everyone, Section Chair Graeme Huon introduced Michail who started his presentation with a brief history of his career at Plessey Rola (pre-1975), including and his involvement with the 1977 Australian Standard for Sound System Equipment (AS1127, Part 5 – Loudspeakers), before establishing Lorantz Audio Services in 1976.

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Meeting Report: August 2021 – Acoustics Made Easy – Matt Harders

On Monday 9th August, the Melbourne Section of the AES held our regular bi-monthly meeting.

We welcomed over 40 members and guests via Zoom.

Following the Section’s Annual General Meeting (see separate report at, Chairman Graeme Huon introduced Matt Harders, Amber Technologies Brand Manager for Radial/Primacoustic (amongst other brands) to present to us on the topic of

Acoustics Made Easy.

Matt talks acoustics at the AES Melbourne Section
Continue reading “Meeting Report: August 2021 – Acoustics Made Easy – Matt Harders”