Two AES Meetings in August!
The next meeting of the AES Melbourne Section will be on Monday 29th August at 7:30pm at:
The SAE Institute Lecture Theatre, 235 Normanby Rd, South Melbourne.
Johannes Mulder from Perth’s Murdoch University will present on the topic
Sound Level Management, a ground-up approach.
Live Music Concerts using electronic amplification can get loud; too loud – exceeding regulatory noise limits, and risking hearing damage.
Regulations that apply to music venues are often enforced through environmental governing bodies, where hearing risk tends to be only considered in terms of Occupational Health (i.e. applying to staff working in the venue, not to the patrons and musicians).
Johannes will present approaches that empower different stakeholders such as Sound Engineers, Musicians, Venue Management, Music Peak Bodies, City Councils, and hearing protection advocates, to find improved compromises with regard to sound levels at concerts and street parades.
Solutions, tools and strategies for venue sound engineers that include input from the musicians will be reviewed.
Some innovative measurement and policy strategies that are being trialled in Europe will be discussed.
About Johannes Mulder
Jos Mulder is a passionate sound technologist, researcher, and educator.
Music is the gist in his broad education and professional experience. Initially trained as a recording engineer he specialized in live sound, working in the industry for 15 years.
Additionally he developed an interest in the wider organizational, socio-cultural, and historical aspects of the use of electronic amplification in the performance arts.
A Master’s degree in arts management and administration (2008) and a Ph.D. (2013) looked at bridging the gap between technology, its creative use and broader discussions of the performance arts and society.
Currently he is a tenured academic at Murdoch University in Perth teaching technological and sound studies subjects.
He is an AES published author with his most recent paper on Amplified Music and Sound Level Management published in the March 2016 AES Journal.
Mon 29th August 2016 at 7:30pm
The SAE Institute – Lecture Theatre
235 Normanby Road
South Melbourne
Visitors and guests welcome.
Directions: Entry to SAE is via the Students’ Entry, now located in Woodgate St (at rear of building).
Please report to the Supervisor’s Desk at this entry, and you will be directed to the Lecture Theatre (upstairs).