
Welcome –

Welcome to the AES Melbourne Section site.
Here you will find information about the section, useful audio-related articles and links and information about past and forthcoming meetings.

The aim is to provide useful information for students and professional audio practitioners alike.

Join the AES!

We are a local Section of the international (New York-based) Audio Engineering Society. Membership of the AES includes all benefits associated with the local Melbourne Section.
You can find out more and join online at –

If you want to check out our activities, there’s our Facebook page.
  …  and our LinkedIn page for those who hang out there.
…… then there’s Instagram for those more visually minded.

Contact the Section here.

Meeting Report: 17 June 2024 – Anton Hasell on Bell Design

On Monday 17th June, members and friends of the Melbourne Section of the AES gathered at the Wellington St campus of Collarts to hear bell designer Dr Anton Hasell present on the topic of:

     The specialist bell design process

The event was also live-streamed on our YouTube channel for those unable to attend.

Photo of Chair Graeme Huon introducing Dr Anton Hasell
Chair Graeme Huon introduces Dr Anton Hasell (Photo – Rod Staples)

Section Chairman Graeme Huon introduced Anton, outlining his history and background in sculpting bells for a range of public installations.

Anton started with a description of his development of the single-pitch “harmonic” bell, a feat that had never been achieved before.

Continue reading “Meeting Report: 17 June 2024 – Anton Hasell on Bell Design”

Meeting Notice June 2024: The specialist bell design process

The next meeting of the AES Melbourne Section will be an in-person event held on
Monday 17th June 2024 at 7:30pm at the Collarts Collingwood campus.

It will also be live-streamed on our YouTube channel:

Dr Anton Hasell will present on the topic of:

The specialist bell design process

Dr Anton Hasell has combined his creative artistic skills with an understanding of ‘how humans hear’ and the essential elements of metallurgy to create unique bells of many sizes.

Continue reading “Meeting Notice June 2024: The specialist bell design process”

Performance Of Centenarian Audio Legend’s First Symphony Happens This Sunday

On Sunday 19th May 2024, the Surrey Hills Orchestra of Melbourne under the baton of Mary Louise-Wright airs the inaugural performance of Monty Maizels’ first symphony, described by the composer as his ‘Seem Funny’.

The venue is the James Tatoulis Auditorium at MLC, Barkers Rd. Kew from 2:30pm.
Tickets are available at the door, or you can book at

This is a unique event for Melbourne as Monty will be 101 years old this year, yet remains active including with both composition and with electronic scoring and render of his works.

Continue reading “Performance Of Centenarian Audio Legend’s First Symphony Happens This Sunday”

Prelim Meeting Notice: June 2024

Our next Section meeting is scheduled for Monday June 17th.
Bell maker Anton Hasell (crafter of the Federation Bells) will present on bells, overtones and bells for music.

It will be an in-person event at the Collarts Wellington Street campus, and live-streamed on our YouTube channel.

Further details soon!