
February 2023 Meeting Notice: Restoration of Vintage Studer A80s – for a new life in a new century

Meeting Notice

The next online meeting of the AES Melbourne Section will be held on Monday 13th February 2023 at 7:30pm – via Zoom.

Former Studios 301 Engineering Manager and local AES Section Committee Member David Hudson will present on the topic of:

Restoration of Vintage Studer A80s –

for a new life in a new century

Increasing interest in analogue tape recording and vinyl records is driving the demand for vintage tape recorders.

photo of two Studer A80s and one Studer A810
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December 2022 Meeting Notice – Audio Loudness for New Delivery Platforms

Meeting Notice

The next online meeting of the AES Melbourne Section will be held on
Monday 12th December 2022 at 8:30pm – via Zoom. Note later time

Leading US broadcast technologist, and AES TD1008 Document Working Group Chair John Kean will present on the topic of:

AES Development and Promotion of Audio Loudness Techniques

for new audio delivery platforms

Continue reading “December 2022 Meeting Notice – Audio Loudness for New Delivery Platforms”

October 2022 Meeting Notice – Recording Music for Immersive Platforms

The next online meeting of the AES Melbourne Section will be held on Monday 3rd October 2022 at 7:30pm – via Zoom.

Angus Davidson of Red Road Immersive will present on the topic of:

Recording Music for Immersive Platforms

applying Dolby Atmos to music streaming  

Dolby Atmos has transitioned from its recognised role in film sound, to a new and significantly different role as a dedicated platform for streaming music playback, on platforms like Apple Music, Tidal and Amazon +.

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Meeting Report: June 2022 – DaS AuReality demonstration

On Monday 20th June the AES Melbourne Section finally returned to our old meeting haunt of the SAE Institute lecture theatre, where we welcomed Vastigo’s Joe Hayes to demonstrate his DaS (Diffusion at Source) AuReality loudspeakers.

In October last year, Joe introduced us to his concept of the DaS loudspeaker algorithm which provides a listening experience unshackled from the room’s acoustics and free of sweet-spot limitations. A full report on that presentation can be found at

This time around, Joe gave us the opportunity to hear the results of his work.

Chair Graeme Huon welcomes Joe Hayes
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