
Preliminary Meeting Notice – August

Our next meeting is being planned for Monday 14th August.

It will be via Zoom

There will be a short AGM at the beginning of the meeting (Reports, Election of Officers and Committee) – then Oscar-winning Film Location Mixer Ben Osmo (Mad Max:Fury Road, Strictly Ballroom, Dead Calm, The Sapphires, etc) will present on his work, experiences, and the current technology of film-sound.

Further details and bookings will be available closer to the date.

June 2023 Meeting Notice: Modern Classical Music Production

June 2023 Meeting Notice: Modern Classical Music Production

We are going in-person again – and also on-site!

The next meeting of the AES Melbourne Section will be an in-person event to be held on Monday 19th June 2023 at 7:30pm  at the ABC Southbank radio studios.

Alex Stinson, ABC Classical Music Producer, Recording Engineer, and Editor will present on the topic of:

Modern Classical Music Production

Techniques, challenges & workflow

After a brief tour of the ABC Radio studios, Alex will give us a presentation covering his work and career. Topics covered will include

Recording acoustic music from solo instruments to large orchestras
Microphone & mixing techniques
Logistics of running orchestral sessions & recording on location
Post-production techniques
Recording for immersive formats

Continue reading “June 2023 Meeting Notice: Modern Classical Music Production”

Preliminary Meeting Notice – June 2023

The June Meeting is in the final planning stages.

It will be held on Monday 19th June.

ABC Classical Music Recording Engineer, Alex Stinson will describe his work, and update us on the latest orchestral recording techniques.
It will be an on-site meeting at ABC Southbank.

Bookings will be required

Full details will be available in the next week or so.

April 2023 Meeting Notice: Collaborative Online Audio Mixing in the Box

Meeting Notice

We are going in-person again!

The next meeting of the AES Melbourne Section will be an in-person event to be held on Monday 24th April 2023 at 7:30pm AEST (UTC +10) at the Collarts Collingwood campus.

It will also be live-streamed (technology permitting) on our YouTube channel

Audio Engineer and Educator/Musician Scott Stickland will present on the topic of:

Collaborative Online Audio Mixing in the Box:

Presenting a case for the DAW Collaboration Framework

Continue reading “April 2023 Meeting Notice: Collaborative Online Audio Mixing in the Box”