
Meeting Notice – TV Program Loudness – 14th July 2011

Meeting Notice

Note: This AES Melbourne Section meeting is also on a Thursday night and at a different venue.

The next regular meeting of the Melbourne Section of the AES will be on

Thursday July 14th at 7:30pm at JMC Academy, South Melbourne.

TV Program Loudness
Be Ready for the Next Decade

Presented by Jean-Paul Moerman
International Projects and Applications Manager – Salzbrenner Stagetec, Germany.

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Two meetings coming up – both with international speakers

June/July  is going to be a busy time for AES meetings.
We have two meetings with respected international speakers, one of them just over a week away…..

Thursday 30th June at 7:30pm at Swinburne Uni  – Lecture Theatre EN101
Soundscape Recordist Doug Quin on Technology, Techniques and Approach to Natural Soundscape Recording.

Thursday 14th July at 7:30pm at JMC Academy, Bank St South Melbourne
EBU PLOUD Group Member Jean-Paul Moerman on TV Loudness – Get Ready for the Next Decade.

Details of these meetings can be found here

Meeting Report: Feb 2010 – Radio Mics – Current Technology, & the Regulatory and Spectrum Environment

Date: Feb 8th 2010

Speaker Name: Tony Hambling, Murray Tregonning & Associates

Meeting Location: Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia

Tony’s talk covered a range of topics. He displayed a range of modern products from several major supliers, and discussed the practical application – from broadcast TV and radio, thru live entertainment and film recording to worship audio.

He also outlined the changes coming up in spectrum allocation for radio mics, and the effect this would have on frequencies. He then went on to demonstrate the kinds of efforts that local importers have to make in the local regulatory approval process. Tony also touched on the analog vs digital technologies, identifying some shortcomings of particularly spread-spectrum technology for robust operation.

He also elicited some interesting anecdotes on radio mic experiences from Gary Wilkins, a leading film recordist, big radio mic user, and AES member who was in attendance.