
Preliminary Meeting Notice June 2012

*** This visit has been postponed to the June Meeting***
April meeting now to be tour of Gearhouse OB Van
see separate notice… 

Preliminary Notice

Visit to Dex Audio CD & DVD Plant 

The next meeting will be held on Mon April 9th, and June meeting will be a visit to Dex Audio’s Kensington CD and DVD fabrication plant and mastering facility.

Due to a limit on numbers,  bookings will be required.
Further details and a booking form will be published closer to the date.


February 2012 meeting

                        February Meeting Notice

The next meeting of the Melbourne Section of the AES will be held on Mon 13th February 2012 at 7:30pm in Lecture Theatre EN101 at Swinburne Uni, on the topic:

Distortion Control in High Power Woofer Designs

Presented by Michail Barabasz of Lorantz Audio.

 Michail will update us on his latest research on loudspeaker drivers and cone technology.
An AES Melbourne Section member, Michail is passionate about all aspects of loudspeaker design.

Continue reading “February 2012 meeting”

November Meeting

Graeme Huon to demonstrate his Vector Wavefront scheme.
Mon November 21st, 7:30pm at Swinburne Uni
(Engineering Building Room EN313)

The topic of the next meeting of the Melbourne Section of the AES will be:

 Capture, editing, decoding and rendering for future audio imaging technologies
 – an update and demonstration.
by Graeme Huon.

Graeme’s Vector Wavefront audio format is a new technology that moves beyond surround sound to eliminate the sweet-spot, require less discrete channels, yet remain compatible with the present formats, and allow more flexible placement of loudspeakers.
This presentation will build on Graeme’s presentation to us in June 2010, outlining progress since that date and include audio demonstrations of the scheme’s capabilities.

Monday November 21st at 7:30pm
Lecture Theatre EN313
Level 3
Engineering Building
Swinburne University of Technology
John St

All members, guests and visitors are welcome.

A report on Graeme’s previous presentation is available on the AES Melbourne website.