
Annual General Meeting Results – round up the usual suspects.

On Monday August 11th, 16 members and 10 guests assembled in the SAE Melbourne Lecture Theatre for the Annual General Meeting of the AES Melbourne Section, and to hear Mark Doehmann speak on the topic High End Turntable Design.

Chairman Mark Edwards welcomed everyone, and presented his Chairman’s Report and then Treasurer Graham Haynes presented his Financial Report. Then Mark passed the meeting over to Greg Segal to conduct the Election of Section Officers and Committee Members. Each nomination was presented, and elected unopposed.
The incoming Committee comprises:
Chairman –      Mark Edwards
Vice-Chair –     Graeme Huon
Treasurer –      Graham Haynes
Secretary –      Peter Smerdon
Committee –    Rod Staples
Michail Barabasz
Paolo Menolotto
Julian Driscoll

With the formalities of the AGM out of the way Mark welcomed Mark Doehmann to enlighten us all on his topic of High-End Turntable Design

The report on Mark’s presentation will be posted on this website shortly.

Meeting Notice: AGM August 11th

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Melbourne Section of the AES will be held on Monday August 11th 2014 at 7:30pm at The School of Audio Engineering (SAE) Lecture Theatre, 235 Normanby Rd South Melbourne (directions below)

The Agenda can be found here.

The short AGM will be followed by a presentation by Mark Doehmann – Analog System Designer on the topic:

High End Turntable Design

This presentation will cover all the major topics relating to the playback of vinyl media – the design features employed, and how they contribute to the sonic performance. Continue reading “Meeting Notice: AGM August 11th”

Meeting Report: June 2014… RMIT’s Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory

RMIT’s Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory

On Monday June 2nd Associate Professor Lawrence Harvey and AES stalwart & PhD candidate Jim Barbour hosted twenty Section members and guests at the SIAL Sound Studios at RMIT’s Design Hub in Carlton.

After a brief tour of the main performance space, we were ushered into the main experimental space, where two areas were available – The Equidome, a large area with overhead truss-work where 3-Dimensional speaker installations were installed, and The Pod, a sound booth with comprehensive surround speaker installation and multichannel audio composition and editing capabilities. Continue reading “Meeting Report: June 2014… RMIT’s Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory”