
Preliminary Meeting Notice: August 2022

AGM – Followed by John Mulcahy: Room Eq Wizard Developer

Our Section AGM is planned for Mon 8th August 2022 at 7:30pm
It will be an online (Zoom) session where we will report to the membership on Section activities and hold an election of Officers and Committee.
If you wish to serve on the Committee please contact us here

Following the AGM, the developer of the powerful Room Eq Wizard software, John Mulcahy will present to us on its development, applications and future directions.

Further details and the booking form will be posted here closer to the date.

An Invitation from SMPTE

An Invitation from SMPTE

SMPTE Invites AES Members to their Melbourne cinema-audio event

– As the Director Intended –

The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers active Standards group 25CSS and John Maizels in conjunction with their Melbourne chapter and support from Village cinemas Australia (Tim Weeks) is hosting a discussion group and practical session focussing on cinema sound.

A Village Cinema theatre

This will be held from 3:00 pm on Monday 27th June at:
Cinema 11, Village Cinemas,
Jam Factory,
Level 1,
500 Chapel Street South Yarra.

Continue reading “An Invitation from SMPTE”

Preliminary Meeting Notice – February 2022

Our first meeting for 2022 is scheduled for Mon 14th February, and it will again be via Zoom.

We will be honoured to welcome Merlijn Van Veen, Senior Technical Support & Education Specialist of Meyer Sound, who will be joining us from the Netherlands.

Merlijn is also Chair of the AES Standards Task Group SC-04-03-A, which has been tasked with developing a new standard X250/AES75 “AES standard for acoustics – Measuring loudspeaker maximum linear sound levels using noise”.

Merlijn will be giving us an overview of that work, and in particular a preview of a new test signal under consideration.

Merlijn’s presentation should be an excellent follow up to Michail’s December presentation on Loudspeaker power ratings.

Further details, and bookings will be available closer to the date – stay tuned!