
Graham Thirkell: A Legend of Audio

The first Optro1000 16Track goes into Bill Armstrong Studios

The Graham Thirkell tribute has now been published on this website.
It contains a wealth of information on this amazing electronic and acoustic designer including many photos from Graham’s own collection.

It can be accessed via the “Legends of Audio” menu item at the top of any page,
or by following this link

This is part of an ongoing project by the Section to document the history of Australian audio engineering, and celebrate the people who made it all happen.

If you have any comments or contributions on this subject, please contact us via our contact form


ASSG hears Billy Woodman

AES members report on ASSG Billy Woodman event.

Several members of the AES accepted the ASSG invitation and attended their recent Billy Woodman (ATC) presentation on his latest loudspeaker design work.

Here, courtesy of committee member Graeme Huon, is a report on this event.

Two old friends and pioneers of the world audio industry met in Melbourne on 21st January 2014. Billy Woodman, Australian, and founder of The UK. pro and hifi loudspeaker company ATC visiting Australia met Continue reading “ASSG hears Billy Woodman”

Meeting Notice: Monday Feb 10th

The next meeting of the AES Melbourne Section is on Monday 10th February at 7:30pm
The Victorian Forensic Science Centre, McLeod 

Forensic Audio Section Tour and Presentation

It will be a tour of the Centre’s Forensic Audio section, by AES member and Vic. Police Forensic Officer Jason Ferridge.

Jason will be showing us the forensic audio rooms – their design and the equipment, as well as explaining the type of work done by the Forensic Audio Section drawing from examples of historical cases.

He will also explain the design considerations, and how their tasks and practices have changed, and are changing. Continue reading “Meeting Notice: Monday Feb 10th”