
Meeting Report: April 11th: From the Ear to the Brain – Understanding Speech Perception and Hearing Loss

On Monday April 11th 30 members and guests heard Audiologist Alison King present on the topic

“From the Ear to the Brain – Understanding Speech Perception and Hearing Loss”

By way of introduction Alison described the role and activities of Australian Hearing – the practical clinical services, and the research division, National Acoustic Laboratories.

Alison King presents on  "From the Ear to the Brain"
Alison King presents on “From the Ear to the Brain”








She went on to describe the structure of the ear in detail, as well as the range of hearing loss mechanisms. Continue reading “Meeting Report: April 11th: From the Ear to the Brain – Understanding Speech Perception and Hearing Loss”

Meeting Report: Feb 15th Hamer Hall Visit

Hamer Hall Tour

Behind the scenes with the technology

On Monday February 15th, 30 members and visitors assembled at the Stage Door of Hamer Hall to meet Nick Carroll, Manager of Sound and Vision for the Arts Centre.

Nick had generously agreed to conduct a tour of their concert venue, Hamer Hall.

After greeting us at the Stage Door, Nick took us to the Balcony where he sat us down and described in detail the acoustic improvements realized in the recent major renovation project. He spent some time on describing the function and operation of the motorized ceiling reflectors. Then he described the various speaker configurations used in the different use-cases for this multi-purpose venue.
He followed this by covering the functions of the D-MITRI speaker management system, and the Digico FOH console, outlining the benefits of a separate speaker management system, despite this function being available within the Digico console. One telling comment he made about the success of the refit was that hirers now seldom wanted to bring in their own equipment, where this had been more common in the past. Continue reading “Meeting Report: Feb 15th Hamer Hall Visit”

April Meeting: Date and Prelim Notice

Preliminary April Meeting Notice

Audiologist Alison King

We have set the date of the next AES Melbourne Section Meeting for Mon April 11th
when professional audiologist Alison King will present on the basics of hearing.

This will be the first in a series on the topic of hearing.

Full details on this meeting to be posted in mid-March.

Meeting Report: Nov 2015 Audio Digitisation at NFSA

Audio Digitisation at the NFSA

More for all – increasing capacity and capability.

Ross Garrett - Graeme Huon
Section Chair Graeme Huon(R) introduces Ross Garrett(R)

On Monday November 16th, 19 members and visitors gathered at the SAE Institute in South Melbourne to hear Ross Garrett of the National Film and Sound Archive, Canberra tell us about their major project of updating the systems used for digitisation of their sound assets.

Continue reading “Meeting Report: Nov 2015 Audio Digitisation at NFSA”