
August 2016 Meeting: AGM and Peter Blamey on IHearYou System

The next meeting of the AES Melbourne Section will be on Monday 8th August at 7:30pm at:
The SAE Institute Lecture Theatre, 235 Normanby Rd, South Melbourne.

The meeting will commence with our Annual General Meeting involving the presentation of Chairman’s and Treasurer’s reports, and the Committee election.

It is expected to last 15 – 20 mins and non-members are welcome to sit in, but arrival at 7:45 will allow you to avoid most of it.

The short AGM will be followed by the second of two presentations by Prof. Peter Blamey on the topic:

 IHearYou® – A Modern Tele-audiology System

Prof Blamey will describe the Australian developed tele-audiology system IHearYou® that enables people to take control of their own hearing.  This talk will describe the science behind it, how it works, and the benefits that it is bringing to individual listeners and the Australian economy. Continue reading “August 2016 Meeting: AGM and Peter Blamey on IHearYou System”

CSIRAC computer as a Musical Instrument?

How Australia played the world’s first music on a computer

WE have just republished a most interesting article from The Conversation on this topic by Paul Doornbush.

It’s available from the Audio Legends menu tab (top of page) or directly at

Graeme Huon has also contributed this summary on CSIRAC:

Building a Computer

The CSIR department of radiophysics was established in the grounds of the University of Sydney in 1939. Continue reading “CSIRAC computer as a Musical Instrument?”

June 2016 Meeting Report: Technologies for Hearing and Listening

Meeting Report
Technologies for Hearing and Listening

Presented by Prof Peter Blamey

On Monday 6th June, Prof Peter Blamey  Executive Director of Blamey Saunders Hears  presented to us on the topic “Technologies for Hearing and Listening” covering the principles and technologies of modern hearing aids, and providing insight into the innovations developed by Prof Blamey and his team.

Continue reading “June 2016 Meeting Report: Technologies for Hearing and Listening”

June 2016 Meeting: Technologies for Hearing and Listening

The next meeting of the AES Melbourne Section will be on Monday 6th June at 7:30pm at:
The SAE Institute Lecture Theatre, 235 Normanby Rd, South Melbourne.

Prof Peter Blamey will present on the topic

 Technologies for Hearing and Listening.

Hearing aids have evolved over time from passive ear trumpets through electronic amplifiers to miniature low energy computers that implement intelligent sound processing algorithms and communicate wirelessly with other devices.  Continue reading “June 2016 Meeting: Technologies for Hearing and Listening”