
Meeting Report: July 2020 – Ric Curtin

The Melbourne Section conducted an online meeting under the current lockdown conditions on Monday July 20th using the Zoom platform.
Our guest speaker was Audio Designer and Post Production Sound Mixer, Ric Curtin who presented to us on his 50 Years of Audio Production.
Chairman Graeme Huon welcomed the 29 attendees and introduced our speaker to present to us on his topic.

Ric Curtin outlines his life in audio production – Screenshot courtesy of Rod Staples
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Central Indiana (USA) Virtual Event

Automatic Mic Mixing:  Why and How

In this time of COVID-19 lockdowns many (most) AES Sections have transitioned to virtual meetings.
This provides us with a unique opportunity to “attend” AES Section meetings all around the world, and on many subjects we otherwise would not have the opportunity to hear about.

The Indiana Section has invited interested people from around the world to attend their virtual meeting on Wed July 8th at 7pm (US Eastern Time) – that’s 9am Thurs local time.

For those interested, details are below:

Automatic Mic Mixing:  Why and How

Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 7:00 P.M. (ET)

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