Meeting Report: Sept 2020 – Andy Stewart on Recording in a Pandemic

Meeting Report: Sept 2020 – Andy Stewart on Recording in a Pandemic

On Monday September 14th, Twenty-five members and visitors joined the Melbourne Section of the AES in a Zoom call for our regular bi-monthly meeting.

The evening started with the Section’s AGM, which is reported separately here.

Following the AGM, re-elected Chairman Graeme Huon introduced Andy Stewart from The Mill Studio on Victoria’s rural Bass Coast to talk on the topic of recording in a pandemic.

Andy explained that he was calling in from the local Country Fire Authority (CFA) station, where he was taking advantage of their better Internet speed, as well as it being a quiet spot away from his young family. He is a Lieutenant in the local Brigade.

Continue reading “Meeting Report: Sept 2020 – Andy Stewart on Recording in a Pandemic”

September Meeting – AGM + Andy Stewart

Meeting via Zoom – Bookings required (see below)

The next online meeting of the AES Melbourne Section will be on Monday 14th September at 7:30pm.

It will start with the Section’s Annual General Meeting (which should be a short affair) and then at approx. 7:45pm Andy Stewart of The Mill studio will present on his experiences and opinions on a range of topics, including –

Recording in a Pandemic

Redefining the Iso Booth
(and other topics)

Continue reading “September Meeting – AGM + Andy Stewart”

Next Meeting – AGM date has been set

We have established the date of our next meeting, which will also incorporate our Annual General Meeting.

The meeting will be held on Monday 14th September at 7:30pm

It will be on the Zoom Meeting platform, and bookings will be required.
(Full details and a bookings link will be in the forthcoming Meeting Notice post)

Voting members (Member grade and higher) can expect to receive an information pack in the mail well before to the meeting.

Nominations are now open for all Committee positions.
If you would like to serve on the Committee, please see the Committee page of this site for details

Following the AGM, Andy Stewart of The Mill Studio has agreed to impart more of his wisdom to us.
Please note the date for your calendar/diary