
A Celebration of our first 50 years

Join us for our 50th Anniversary Dinner

In December, the AES Melbourne Section will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Section.

We are hosting a 50th Anniversary Dinner at Club Ringwood on Monday 9th December at 7:30pm to mark this momentous occasion.

Tickets are available at
(bookings required – see below for prices)

In December 1974, encouraged by AES International V-P (Stephen Temmer, Gotham Audio NY) a group of Melbourne audio professionals – designers, manufacturers, recording engineers/producers, broadcasters, and equipment dealers, gathered together to form the Melbourne Section of the New York-based Audio Engineering Society.

Members and Officers of the AES Melbourne Section (1974)

The Section became a powerful force in the Melbourne audio industry, with many local pioneers first presenting their breakthrough technologies at the Section’s meetings and Conventions.

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